
  • NQRA News Flash - F Class National Teams

    • August 14, 2015
    • 2 minute read

    by Marty Lobert

    The NQRA national F Class teams have just completed their campaign in the bi-annual national F Class competition held at Belmont.

    At the nationals it was clearly evident that the standard of F Class across the nation has increased exponentially with the competition in each discipline being both very fierce and extremely tight.

    All NQRA teams acquitted themselves very well and in fact the NQRA was the only region to have a team finish in the top 3 in EVERY discipline. This level of competitiveness across the board indicates the high standard of NQRA shooters across the board.

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  • Emms crowned World Champion, Pozzebon wins bronz

    • August 12, 2015
    • 2 minute read


    Wednesday 12 August 2015

    Media Contact: Sunita Miranda, Shooting Australia Media & Communications Manager on 0431 442 204 or

    Stock and Station agent Ben Emms (Central Tablelands, NSW) has been crowned the new World Champion, claiming the title with confidence in the World Individual Long Range Championships, at Camp Perry, Ohio.

    Making history as the first Australian to win this World Championship, an event introduced in 1992, Emms displayed enormous talent at this ‘marathon of shooting’, the pinnacle event in long-range fullbore rifle shooting.

    Emms finished on the top of the leader-board, with a score of…

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  • Rule Interpretations - New FTR Rules

    • July 13, 2015
    • 4 minute read


    Could you please note and pass on the following information to other shooters concerning the latest alterations to the FTR Rules. NOTE That I have issued some rulings about FTR below in this document.

    I have had quite a few queries concerning interpretation of some of the new FTR Rules that were issued in the SSR’s as at 1st July 2015.

    Over the last few days I have been in close consultation with the International Members of the ICFRA F Class Rules committee. Some of the new ICFRA rules are fairly brief and…

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  • NRAA Policy on the future of F Class Discipline

    • July 8, 2015
    • 3 minute read


    As at July 2015

    The NRAA acknowledges and recognises the growth and importance of F Class within the NRAA movement. F Class records go back as far as 2004 and perhaps even further with one grade in F Standard and a small F Open contingent. Rapid growth led to the introduction of Grades for F Standard and F Open began to grow rapidly once the move to Standard targets was made.

    At the 2013 AGM, the NRAA was instructed to include FTR as a discipline mainly because of it being International. Growth in all areas has been remarkable with…

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  • NRAA – new SSRs have now been published

    • June 10, 2015
    • 8 minute read

    NEW SSR’s – Effective July 1st 2015.


    Alterations and Additions to the SSR’s passed at the NRAA Board Meeting – May 2015


    The Board approved the adoption of the new National Grading System as from July 1st 2015. The whole of Chapter 12 of the SSR’s has been replaced.

    2. ALTERED CUT-OFF POINTS for Target Rifle Grading.

    After some discussion the Board decided to set the Cut-off points for Target Rifle Grading as follows:-

    A Grade 97.0 and above

    B Grade 92.0 and under 97.0

    C Grade Under 92.0

    Please note that the Board…

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  • Update to SSRs - Major Revision for 1 July 2015

    • May 6, 2015
    • 2 minute read

    There is a DRAFT Version of the Rules now available:-

    NOTE:- This is a Draft Version and there may be additional Changes after the next NRAA Board Meeting in May 2105.

    There are quite a few Minor Changes in the Draft. To see a list of these these have a look at this document. Note:- This is not the Full Draft. To download the DRAFT SSR’s see below near the end of this document.


    1. A whole new Chapter 12 for the NRAA Grading System has been included. Note that the Cut-Off points for Target Rifle Grading are…
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  • Alterations and Additions to the SSRs

    • April 22, 2015
    • 4 minute read

    Alterations and Additions to the SSR’s

    These Alterations & Additions to the SSR’s will become Effective as at July 1st 2015

    The following will be included in the next Version (Ver. 4) of the SSR’s which will be published electronically in May-June 2015 and become effective as at July 1st 2015.

    Copies of this document have been published on the NRAA Website and sent to all State Associations asking them to distribute it to their members and publish it on their own web sites. This was done in April 2015.

    Rule alterations and additions are as follows:-

    1. Alterations to…

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  • National Uniform Grading System

    • April 22, 2015
    • 2 minute read

    This system will become official as at July 1st 2015

    The NEW GRADING RULES Chapter will be included in the SSR’s as from the above date. The Revised Rules (Version 4) will be published electronically shortly before the 1st July when they then become effective.

    The new grading rules are a major restructure of what has been a very old and outdated system. Amongst the problems it addresses is the very high percentage of TR shooters who are presently classified as A Grade, and the promotion of B or C Grade shooters when they win a Prize meeting, often with…

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  • NQRA SHOP open during Mareeba Prize Meeting

    • February 11, 2015
    • 1 minute read

    The NQRA shop will be OPEN the entire weekend of the Mareeba Prize Shoot

  • F Class Mace Cup to Be Added to NRAA Queens Program – 2015

    • December 16, 2014
    • 2 minute read

    At the November 2014 NRAA Board Meeting, the Board approved a proposal to add an F Class Version of the Kaltenberg Cup to the program at the NRAA Queens.

    The following Proposal was approved:-

    1. That the NRAA include a competition similar to the Kaltenberg Cup for F Class beginning with the 2015 NRAA Queens.
    2. The competition is held for F Standard, F Open and F/TR.
    3. That the qualifying conditions be exactly the same as the Kaltenberg Cup with the following numbers selected to compete:-
      • F Standard – the top 4 shooters in the preliminary Grand Championship.
      • F Open…
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