Alterations to the SSRs - Included as at 19 February 2016

  • February 18, 2016
  • 2 minute read

Alterations to the SSRs - Included as at 19 February 2016

The Following Rules have been added or altered in the latest version of the SSR’s which were issued as at 19th Feb 2016. The new SSR’s are now Version 5.0 (a)

1. Rule 2.1.5 – Keep Muzzle pointed safely

A sentence has been added to this rule to ensure that shooters keep their rifle pointed towards the targets until the rifle has been cleared.

2. Rule 3.2.12 – Shelter can now be provided from Rain

This rule now specifies that Organisers of Competitions may at their discretion, provide shelter from both Sun or Rain. Any such shelter may not provide protection from the effects of the wind.

3. Rules 3.4.2, 3.4.8 and APPENDIX I

These rules now allow Metplatting and pointing of all types of issued ammunition and projectiles of all types.

4. Rule – Vigorous Cycle Trigger Test

This rule deals with the vigorous cycling trigger test. It now outlines a series of steps to be taken, which ensures that the chamber is empty as the first stage of conducting the test.

5. Rules to 4 – New Procedure when there are misses on E-Targets

The procedures to be followed when a miss occurs on Electronic Targets has been modified considerably. The Range Officer must be called and has now been given some discretion in deciding if an extra shot is awarded if it is likely the target has missed a shot.

Bob Pedersen

Ex Rules Director – NRAA 19th Feb 2016