NRAA Policy on the future of F Class Discipline

  • July 8, 2015
  • 3 minute read

NRAA Policy on the future of F Class Discipline


As at July 2015

The NRAA acknowledges and recognises the growth and importance of F Class within the NRAA movement. F Class records go back as far as 2004 and perhaps even further with one grade in F Standard and a small F Open contingent. Rapid growth led to the introduction of Grades for F Standard and F Open began to grow rapidly once the move to Standard targets was made.

At the 2013 AGM, the NRAA was instructed to include FTR as a discipline mainly because of it being International. Growth in all areas has been remarkable with F Class being one of the success stories of the NRAA. Competition is expanding constantly and now F Class entries at Queens Prizes average 35-40%. Australia sent 2 teams to the World Championships in 2013 with the F Open Teams winning the Teams event and the fledgling FTR team doing very well. Two teams recently visited New Zealand and a reciprocal match has been arranged for June 2016. Nominations have been called for the next World Championships in Canada for 2017.


The NRAA recognises that the program is perhaps now a bit overcrowded with Competition Organisers having to cope with a large number of Grades. However, please note that the number of Disciplines and Grades included in a competition is at the discretion of the Organisers. From time to time, Directors get enquiries about this and the possible reduction of one F Class Discipline or Grade.

Here are the figures showing entries at two recent large Queens Prize Meets in 2014-2015.

ACT Queens– Nov 2014 VRA Queens Apr 2015
Total Entries 223 196
Target Rifle Entries 124 132
All F Class Entries 99 (44% of all entries) 64 (33% of all entries)
Break Up of F Class Break Up of F Class
F Standard 58 (58% of all F Class) 37 (58% of all F Class)
F Open 26 16
FTR 15 11

The figures above show that F Standard is still by far the largest contingent in F Class.


While recognising that F Standard is not an International discipline it is still by far the most popular in Australia. Many F Standard rifles would not convert easily into F Open or FTR without considerable expense, and when we consider the demographics of F Standard Competitors, it would be unreasonable and expensive to ask shooters to convert to another discipline.

The NRAA intends to let the present structure of F Class Disciplines remain as they are as at July 2015. Should numbers in any of the 3 Disciplines decline, it will be by natural attrition, until a point is reached where it is not viable. At that point the NRAA will reconsider this policy.

NRAA Board

July 2015

