National Uniform Grading System

  • April 22, 2015
  • 2 minute read

National Uniform Grading System

This system will become official as at July 1st 2015

The NEW GRADING RULES Chapter will be included in the SSR’s as from the above date. The Revised Rules (Version 4) will be published electronically shortly before the 1st July when they then become effective.

The new grading rules are a major restructure of what has been a very old and outdated system. Amongst the problems it addresses is the very high percentage of TR shooters who are presently classified as A Grade, and the promotion of B or C Grade shooters when they win a Prize meeting, often with a shoot which is out of character with their normal level of shooting but because of one good day are sentenced to at least 12 months in a Grade often above their level.

The system has been trialed for the last two years and it also appears that under the new system the present cut-off points for each grade may be too high. Our Members State Associations have monitored this and suggested a lower level for cut-off points. Most favour the cut-off points being 96 and above for A Grade, up to 95.9 for B Grade and below 92 for C Grade.

The NRAA is closely monitoring this and will announce and include the final decision when the Rules are published.

It is worth noting that F Class have been using this new version for grading for a number of years and the spread of grades has been very satisfactory with everyone seeming to be happy.

The New Grading System is closely allied with another initiative of the NRAA which is the Online Prize Meeting Program.

Further information can be gained at this NRAA website.

Anyone interested in looking at the Draft of the Grading Rules Chapter can find it here. Please note that this draft still retains the old cut-off points. The new points are yet to be decided and included.

Bob Pedersen

NRAA Rules Director – April 2015