Update to SSRs - Major Revision for 1 July 2015

  • May 6, 2015
  • 2 minute read

Update to SSRs - Major Revision for 1 July 2015

There is a DRAFT Version of the Rules now available:-

NOTE:- This is a Draft Version and there may be additional Changes after the next NRAA Board Meeting in May 2105.

There are quite a few Minor Changes in the Draft. To see a list of these these have a look at this document. Note:- This is not the Full Draft. To download the DRAFT SSR’s see below near the end of this document.


  1. A whole new Chapter 12 for the NRAA Grading System has been included. Note that the Cut-Off points for Target Rifle Grading are yet to be decided. This will be decided at the May NRAA Board Meet.
  2. Match Rifle Rules have been altered to define F Class Categories and rules at Match Rifle Competitions.
  3. FTR Section in Chapter 20. There are alterations about spikes on Bipods and rear rests, plus a definition about chamber sizes allowed. These have been altered to fall in line with the recent ICFRA changes.
  4. APPENDIX 7 – has been added giving information about the National Grading System and the NRAA Online Prize Meeting Program.
  5. APPENDIX 8 – has been added listing Safe Practices and Designs for Targets.

The DRAFT RULES can be downloaded here

These will be replaced with the Final Draft Shortly after the May 2015 NRAA Board Meeting.

Bob Pedersen

Rules Director

6th May 2015