Alterations and Additions to the SSR’s
These Alterations & Additions to the SSR’s will become Effective as at July 1st 2015
The following will be included in the next Version (Ver. 4) of the SSR’s which will be published electronically in May-June 2015 and become effective as at July 1st 2015.
Copies of this document have been published on the NRAA Website and sent to all State Associations asking them to distribute it to their members and publish it on their own web sites. This was done in April 2015.
Rule alterations and additions are as follows:-
1. Alterations to Rules 2.1.4, and Rule 6.1.4
These define procedures when targets are not pulled after firing a shot, or of there is no response on an Electronic Target monitor. They also further define procedures when a miss is indicated on a target.
There were some contradictions in the above three rules as to procedures when misses occurred on targets. These alterations clear these up and consolidate the processes to be followed in Rule
2. Inspection of Breech by Scorers – Rule 2.1.5
Because of such things as high cheekpieces, radical stock designs and high butt plates it is sometimes difficult for scorers to certify the breech is clear as shooters leave the mound. The alterations to this rule clarify procedures to be followed.
3. Procedures when a Misfire Occurs – Rule 3.5.6
Surprisingly, this safety procedure has never been included in the SSR’s.
When a misfire occurs (i.e. when the trigger is pulled but the cartridge does not go off) competitors are to wait 30 seconds before opening the bolt, in the meantime keeping the rifle pointed at the targets.
4. Rule 14.1.5 - Personal Wind Flags are not Permitted.
The Rule includes instructions that personal wind flags or devices are not permitted. The only flags allowed are those provided by the Organisers.
It appears that some shooters have begun the habit of erecting their own wind flags or devices on the range in front of where they are shooting. This practice is allowed in many forms of SSAA shooting but not in NRAA Style competitions.
The Rule makes it clear that such devices are not allowed. The rationale is that if an individual shooter erects his own devices in front of him he may have an advantage over shooters on other parts of the range who cannot see these devices.
5. Match Rifle Rules – Chapter 18
A “Note 2” and Rules and have been added to the Match Rifle Chapter. These rules allow and define the inclusion of F Class competition within the Match Rifle Competitions. If any F Class Discipline is included then the F Class rules and specifications as defined in the SSR’s will apply.
6. F Standard – Front Rest Material – Rule 20.10 (e)
Rule 20.10.(e) has been altered to allow ANY material to be used on the Front Rest Bag in F Standard. F Open and FTR have no such restrictions and the alteration to this rule removes a factor which often caused needless disagreements.
7. FTR Rules
The technical rules of FTR are based as closely as possible to the ICFRA FTR Rules. Many other rules included in the FTR Chapter of the SSR’s are to ensure procedures comply with Australian conditions, safety rules and procedures.
After the recent F Class World Championships, some FTR Rules were altered by ICFRA. In order to keep the technical rules for Australian FTR aligned as closely as possible to the ICFRA Rules, the relevant changes have now been included in the SSR’s.
The rules affected are:-
Rule 20.30.1 – concerning Bore, Groove and Throat dimensions of the .223 and .308 cartridges.
Rule 20.39 Rear Bags may not have spikes.
Rule 20.41 Single Spikes only on each Bipod foot.
Rule 20.44.1 When switching rifles because of a malfunction, a switch in calibre is allowed.
8. Inclusion of 144 Grain ADI Projectiles
This projectile has now been included in the list of allowed projectiles in Appendix 1.
9. APPENDIX 7 has been included.
A detailed explanation of the National Grading System and the NRAA Online Prize Meeting Program has been included in this new Appendix.
10. APPENDIX 8 has been included.
This Appendix details Safe practices which should be applied when building new targets and target frames.
Bob Pedersen
Rules Director – NRAA – April 2015