Career Opportunity - Executive Officer
Due the retirement of our current long serving EO, the South Australian Rifle Association is seeking a dynamic and passionate person to take on the Executive Officer role. This is a full-time role based at our Wingfield Office, managing the administration of the Association and operation of the retail store. The recent implementation of an “E” commerce store presents exciting opportunities to grow the retail store sales. This will provide additional resources to allow the association to improve its facilities and services to members and attract new members.
This is a diverse hands on role involving implementation and ongoing management of the strategic plan, running the store, managing all other SARA employees and plenty of interaction with the members, wholesalers, statutory bodies and the board.
The candidate must hold or be eligible for a South Australia firearms licence and eligible for a firearms dealers licence.
Ideally the candidate will be involved in target rifle shooting and have a good knowledge of other shooting disciplines and firearms generally.
The successful candidate will report directly to the Board and have ongoing interaction with the Chairman
Starting date Early April 2018
Applications close Monday 4th December
All queries and applications to be sent